Студент этого вуза:
197 872 08 февраля 2020
Факультет экономических наук
Мне проще на английском писать, так как я являюсь иностранными студентом.

Years after graduating I decided to continue my masters and for this reason I started looking for a university in Russia I looked through many universities and the searching process took around a year to take the decision, I was thinking between HSE and MSU and couple of other universities in Moscow looking at international reviews and was convinced that HSE is the best choice. I enrolled in bilingual program (Russian and English) since (as i thought) I know both languages, first year was hell on me especially after years not being a student and then going back to classroom and homeworks exams and these stuff, I could catch up with other TOP students and when i say top students i mean it, especially in Math like for me solving differential equations like reading an article means you know this sh*t well.
Pros: Dormitory (общежитие) the rooms were super clean, with new beds, mattresses and regular change of bedsheets. The building itself was super clean,new, highly secured, entrance strictly by electronic passes. 2min walking from the metro station and everything u need is in walking distance less than 1km.

Research : many libraries with access to whatever resources, books, research papers. Economic laboratories, visits from Nobel winners etc..

Professors : Many international PhD holders teachers and professors highly supportive and successful people one of them is my unforgettable academic supervisor.

Education : it's literally either you study and bury yourself between books and readings and work or you are out (we started our program 16 students, while I am writing this we are only 4 left) no compromisation is impossible with professors studying and being lucky with what u focus on are strictly the only way to graduation.
Many exchange program students reflecting the reputation and exposure abroad mainly in the west.

Staff : Directors, student support office and most of the staff members are super friendly and helpful, they are there to solve most of the problems that you may have.

Campus : This is very subjective, they changed the campus from the old to a new one more centralized in the center of Moscow for me personally i like open air and the old campus more by far i dislike the new campus (even it's newer with plenty of amenities and tech) by comparison to the old one with a small garden in the middle and an open air passage.


Education : Theoretical part and equation solving are not the evaluation for economists and researchers (less math is needed and more economics)

Schedule : while everything is good the schedule may be annoying especially if you are planning to work as a graduate student while doing your masters program it's not possible many days lessons starting at 9 am or 10.30 am and other days finishing 9pm.

Conclusion :
If you are looking for a top level university in economics within Russia definitely you should be considering HSE in one condition that you are serious and hardworking student otherwise don't bother! While i am graduating and leaving Moscow I will have many memories of friends, colleagues, professors that will carry with me wherever I go.
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34 910
Вопрос: Здравствуйте,
Можете , пожалуйста, порекомендовать вуз для поступления на истфак.
А то информации по поводу этого направления мало , а то что есть очень противоречивая.
Очень буду благодарен , если н...
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Горный университет (СПГУ)
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